Our Mission
To motivate, educate, discipline and empower our youth through the structure of a drill team and the performing arts.
DonateWho We Are
The CAMDEN SOPHISTICATED SISTERS is a life-saving 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization disguised as a drill team. Kids and their families come to us thirsting for the discipline, purpose and positive accomplishments that step dancing and drum corps provide…
Find Out More About Us Get InvolvedWawa’s Corner
Tawanda “Wawa” Jones is the President and Founder of CSS. This is her corner where she gives a video shout out for all our visitors.
This month, Wawa is thrilled to introduce you to our beautiful new location, the Michael J. Doyle Fieldhouse – Home of the Camden Sophisticated Sisters. This new building further fuels our mission of Purpose in Motion; it enables CSS to continue to Keep Community First and serve the people of Camden and the surrounding areas with boundless passion, commitment and integrity.
We are very pleased to offer a wide variety of Programs including Homework and Tutoring (computers are available), Dance, Open Gym, Pickle Ball, Male Mentoring, Adult Exercise, College Readiness and many, many more.
We also have available to the public affordable rental space of our Gym, Conference Rooms, Offices and Loft, along with convenient parking as well as security.
THANK YOU Father Michael J. Doyle and The Heart of CAMDEN Family for providing us this very special, safe space.
We welcome each of you with open arms and overflowing hearts! Please come see us very soon!
Join Us for Free Open Gym!

A drum line in sync is like nothing you’ve ever heard – or seen! Here’s a short clip of The Almighty Percussion Sound (TAPS) doing their thing.
Upcoming and Recent Events
CSS and New Home Featured on NPR
On February 25th the story of how the Camden Sophisticated Sisters Drill Team found a home at the Michael J. Doyle Fieldhouse was featured on WHYY. Check out […]
Join our Fortnite Tournament hosted by YouTuber GunkerFPS
With much excitement we invite you to join us for a Fortnite Tournament hosted by YouTuber GunkerFPS. The winner will be awarded a Grand Prize of $500!
The Tournament will […]
Register to Audition with Janel Chulo Maisonet, Professional Background Dancer
Born and raised in the South Bronx, NYC, Janel Chulo Maisonet, 31, is a professional background dancer working with the likes of artists such as Lil Mama, Young B […]